The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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Nature and Landscape Management

Downhill Skiing and Nature

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Jiří Flousek, Josef Harčarik

Downhill Skiing and Nature

The article reacts to the intensive development of ski resorts in mountain National Parks and Protected Landscape Areas in the Czech Republic.

Nature Conservation 6/2009 16. 12. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Act No. 115/200 Gazette – A Tool for Reducing Conflicts between Nature Conservation and Private Owne

Nature and Landscape Management

autorka: Lenka Tomášková

Act No. 115/200 Gazette – A Tool for Reducing Conflicts between Nature Conservation and Private Owne

Zákon č. 115/2000 Sb., o poskytování náhrad škod způsobených vybranými zvláště chráněnými živočichy v platném znění (dále jen zákon 115), byl přijat v dubnu roku 2000. Má za cíl mírnit konflikt mezi zájmy ochrany přírody a vlastníky domestikovaných zvířat, rybníků, zemědělských či lesnických pozemků apod. Zákon umožňuje za splnění zákonných podmínek uhradit škodu, kterou způsobil na majetku vybraný zvláště chráněný živočich podle zákona č. 114/1992 Sb., o ochraně přírody a krajiny v platném znění.

Nature Conservation 6/2009 16. 12. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Human Perception of Eurasian Otter Damages and Efficacy of Act No. 115/2000 Gazette

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Markéta Václavíková, Vlastimil Kostkan

Human Perception of Eurasian Otter Damages and Efficacy of Act No. 115/2000 Gazette

In the past, the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) was almost driven to extinction in the Czech Republic.

Nature Conservation 6/2009 16. 12. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

The Landscape Natural Function Restoration Programme

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Petr Kostečka, Bohumil Fišer

The Landscape Natural Function Restoration Programme

The Landscape Natural Function Restoration Programme (LNFRP), a new national subsidy scheme, has been recently launched.

Nature Conservation 4/2009 31. 8. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Water Course Restoration, Renaturation and Ecologically Aimed Management

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Tomáš Just

Water Course Restoration, Renaturation and Ecologically Aimed Management

Pursuant to the European Community‘s Water Framework Directive, at present ways how to improve water course morphological state have been sought in the Czech Republic.

Nature Conservation 4/2009 31. 8. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Framework Guidelines for Coppice-with-Standards Forest Planting

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Dušan Utinek

Framework Guidelines for Coppice-with-Standards Forest Planting

In the past, forest management forming coppice-with-standards forests was quite common, aiming at permanent production both firewood and industrial wood.

Nature Conservation 4/2009 31. 8. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Protected Landscape Area Management Plans

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Aleš Hoffmann

Protected Landscape Area Management Plans

Protected Landscape Area (PLA) Management Plans are a basic conceptual document in nature conservation and landscape protection in the Czech Republic.

Nature Conservation 3/2009 30. 6. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Trees Left after Cutting in the Floodplain Forests in South Moravia

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: David Horal, Vladan Riedl

Trees Left after Cutting in the Floodplain Forests in South Moravia

The reserved tree is a tree left intentionally within the area logged. Leaving reserved trees after at a site is of extraordinary importance particularly for insects and birds.

Nature Conservation 3/2009 30. 6. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Using funds from the Operational Programme „Environment“: Some advice on How-to

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Martin Lípa

Using funds from the Operational Programme „Environment“: Some advice on How-to

Based on his own experience with the Operational Programme “Environment” (OPE)...

Nature Conservation 3/2009 30. 6. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Future of Subvention Programmes/Subsidiary Schemes in Nature Conservation

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Petr Dobrovský, Pavel Pešout, Lenka Vokasová

Future of Subvention Programmes/Subsidiary Schemes in Nature Conservation

In addition to nature conservation and landscape management subvention programmes/subsidiary schemes funded or co-funded by the European Community

Nature Conservation 2/2009 21. 4. 2009 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf