The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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Framework Guidelines for Coppice-with-Standards Forest Planting

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Framework Guidelines for Coppice-with-Standards Forest Planting

In the past, forest management forming coppice-with-standards forests was quite common, aiming at permanent production both firewood and industrial wood.

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Who Shall Be Punished for Tort against the Act on the Protection of Nature and the Landscape – Devel

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Do Our Black Storks Nest in Our Country? Black Stork Monitoring in the Czech Republic: the Most Rece

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Do Our Black Storks Nest in Our Country? Black Stork Monitoring in the Czech Republic: the Most Rece

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Scientific Authority of the Czech Republic

Research, Surveys and Data Management

author: Adam Kurz

Scientific Authority of the Czech Republic

Under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, also known at the Washington Convention), each Party shall designate at least one national Scientific Authority with appropriate qualifications which shall be independent of the national Management Authority or Authorities.

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Assessment of Impacts Caused by Visitors in the Čertoryje National Nature Reserve

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Assessment of Impacts Caused by Visitors in the Čertoryje National Nature Reserve

In 2007–2008, a project supported by the Charles University Grant Agency was carried out.

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In Shark Bay under the Southern Cross

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In Shark Bay under the Southern Cross

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Providing Territorial Data in Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection

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Providing Territorial Data in Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection

The authors present a new issue within the Building Act, namely providing with territorial data, which aims at the duty of the respective authorities to provide with relevant information as a background for elaborating planning documentation.

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Endemism in the Czech Republic – Part 2. Animal Endemism, Endemic Species Protection

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Endemism in the Czech Republic – Part 2. Animal Endemism, Endemic Species Protection

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Nature Conservation 3/2009 30. 6. 2009 Research, Surveys and Data Management Print article in pdf

Bird ringing in the Czech Republic and Europe

Research, Surveys and Data Management

authors: Jaroslav Cepák, Petr Klvaňa

Bird ringing in the Czech Republic and Europe

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Nature Conservation 3/2009 30. 6. 2009 Research, Surveys and Data Management Print article in pdf

Bird Ringing and Current Legislation in the Czech Republic

Nature Conservation Legislation

autorka: Michaela Krestová

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Nature Conservation 3/2009 30. 6. 2009 Nature Conservation Legislation Print article in pdf