The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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Tořič čmelákovitý Holubyho

Cover Photos

author: Foto Jan W. Jongepier

Tořič čmelákovitý Holubyho

Tořič čmelákovitý Holubyho (Ophrys holosericeasubsp. holubyana)se v České republice vyskytuje pouze v Bílých Karpatech. Vázán je zde především na jihozápadní část mezi Radějovem a Stráním, v posledních letech byl nalezen i na třech lokalitách v severovýchodní části území u Bylnice a Valašských Klobouk. Nyní je tento kriticky ohrožený druh znám z dvaceti lokalit, na kterých se vyskytuje od několika jedinců do několika desítek kusů. Vzácně však dosahuje početnosti i několika set jedinců (NPR Zahrady pod Hájem, PP Hloží). Roste na vápnitém podloží v několika typech luční vegetace, od nezapojených teplomilných porostů na skeletických půdách až po mezofilnější sady a vlhčí okraje pěnovcových mokřadů. Kvete od poloviny května do poloviny června. Květ napodobuje samičky včel rodů Euceraa Tetralonia, a láká tak jejich samečky, kteří při snaze o kopulaci zprostředkují falešné samičce opylení.

Nature Conservation 2/2010 20. 4. 2010 Cover Photos

The Machalilla National Park

International Nature Conservation

author: Radovan Vlček

The Machalilla National Park

The Machalilla National Park is one of nine National Parks in Ecuador and the only situated on the countrys Pacific coastline.

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From Kyoto to Copenhagen and After

International Nature Conservation

author: Bedřich Moldan

From Kyoto to Copenhagen and After

In December 2009, the 15thmeeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change was held in Copenhagen.

Nature Conservation 2/2010 20. 4. 2010 International Nature Conservation Print article in pdf

Non-profit Organizations and Nature Conservation

Focusing on the Public

author: Jakub Kašpar

Non-profit Organizations and Nature Conservation

The author presents a current crucial role of non-governmental non-profit organisations in nature conservation in the Czech Republic.

Nature Conservation 2/2010 20. 4. 2010 Focusing on the Public Print article in pdf

Some Reasons Why the Common Cuckoo Was Declared as the Bird of the Year 2010 in the Czech Republic

Focusing on the Public

Some Reasons Why the Common Cuckoo Was Declared as the Bird of the Year 2010 in the Czech Republic

For 2010, the Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO) declared the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) as the Bird of the Year 2010.

Nature Conservation 2/2010 20. 4. 2010 Focusing on the Public Print article in pdf

A Disaster Called Man

International Nature Conservation

author: Zdeněk Patzelt

A Disaster Called Man

Unique biodiversity on Madagascar has been facing the disaster due to primary ecosystem degradation and destruction.

Nature Conservation 1/2010 16. 2. 2010 International Nature Conservation Print article in pdf

Completing the Protected Landscape Area Network in the Czech Republic

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Pavel Pešout

Completing the Protected Landscape Area Network in the Czech Republic

On November 11, 2009, the Government of the Czech Republic approved the Amendment to the State Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection Programme of the Czech Republic (SNCLP CR).

Nature Conservation 1/2010 16. 2. 2010 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Action Plan for the Aesculapian Snake in the Czech Republic

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Jitka Větrovcová, Radka Musilová, Vít Zavadil, Blanka Mikátová, Mojmír Vlašín, Martin Škorpík

Action Plan for the Aesculapian Snake in the Czech Republic

The Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) occurs in three mutually separated populations in the Czech Republic: Podyjí/Thaya River Basin, Bílé Karpaty/White Carpathians Mts. and Poohří/Ohře River basin.

Nature Conservation 1/2010 16. 2. 2010 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf