The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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Disturbance Effects on Dynamics of the Mountain Forest with the Norway Spruce as the Dominant Tree S

Research, Surveys and Data Management

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Disturbance Effects on Dynamics of the Mountain Forest with the Norway Spruce as the Dominant Tree S

Disturbance jsou hlavní silou, která řídí dynamiku většiny lesních ekosystémů na světě (Frelich, 2002). Stávající všeobecně přijímané vědecké názory zdůrazňují dynamiku a nerovnovážnost ekologických systémů, v nichž přírodní disturbance nejsou ničím cizorodým.

Nature Conservation 1/2008 26. 2. 2008 Research, Surveys and Data Management

Wildlife impact on situation and development of forest ecosystems

Research, Surveys and Data Management

author: Petr Čermák

Wildlife impact on situation and development of forest ecosystems

Regarding the management of animals among game, game management have their priorities still set without much concern about the environment protection.

Nature Conservation 1/2008 26. 2. 2008 Research, Surveys and Data Management

The Czech National Forest Programme II - A Cautious Optimism

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Jakub Hruška

The Czech National Forest Programme II - A Cautious Optimism

The article summarises the preparation and outputs of the second Czech National Forest Programme (NFP II) expert draft, covering the period 2007–2013.

Nature Conservation 1/2008 26. 2. 2008 Nature and Landscape Management