The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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International Nature Conservation

Nature Conservation 3/2008 24. 6. 2008 International Nature Conservation

Protected Areas: Has Quantity Been Transforming into Quality?

Přerůstá skutečně kvantita v kvalitu?

Protected Areas: Has Quantity Been Transforming into Quality?

Protected areas have been, even in the rapidly changing world, an important tool for nature and landscape heritage management.

To conserve global biodiversity in the face of growing threats and with limited time and resources, conservationists must prioritize their efforts. At the end of 2007, the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) indicated that there were over 113,707 protected areas worldwide covering over 19.6 million sq km, over 13.2 % of the world's terrestrial area. Since 1993, the number of protected areas in the world had doubled, and their total size had increased by 60 per cent. The global gap analyses repeatedly identified inadequacies in the existing protected area network and priority locations for expanding biodiversity conservation. Yet, the existing system of protected areas worldwide is not comprehensive, and adequately representative of habitats, nor is extensive enough to maintain global biodiversity. Existing protected areas networks throughout the world contain a biased sample of biodiversity, usually that of remote places and other areas that are unsuitable for commercial activities. According to the latest assessments, management was considered to be sound in only about 20 per cent of sites and pronounced shortcomings had been noted in about 14 per cent. If a large proportion of global biodiversity is to exist to future of increasing numbers of people and their demands on natural resources, a more systematic approach to locating and designing protected areas will need to be implemented. At the same time, global conservation priorities should be identified based on the best science available.

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Quisque egestas velit non nulla fermentum, aliquet pharetra nunc malesuada. Nullam molestie vel diam non tincidunt. Sed pulvinar lacinia nunc et consectetur. Duis varius leo ac ex scelerisque, ullamcorper eleifend massa consectetur. Nullam in metus ac arcu pellentesque venenatis ac id lorem. Nulla nec ipsum sed enim sodales blandit a sit amet ex.

Četná chráněná území zahrnují i kulturní skvosty. Na snímku je skalní město Petra, vyhlášené jako světové dědictví UNESCO a nový div světa, ve stejnojmenném jordánském národním parku.

Foto J. Plesník

Velká část chráněných území v Africe vznikla od 50. a 60. let 20. století. Nairobský národní park v těsné blízkosti keňské metropole (Nairobi) byl vyhlášen již v roce 1946.

Foto J. Plesník

Mořská území zaujímají jen 0,65 % rozlohy světového oceánu. Navíc mnohá z nich se nacházejí na pobřeží. Obrázek přibližuje skalní útes Morro de Castelo Branco na azorském ostrově Faial, zařazený do soustavy Natura 2000 jako jedna z vůbec prvních lokalit.

Foto J. Plesník

První národní park na světě, Yellowstonský, předurčil do značné míry charakter této kategorie chráněných území. Pohled do romantického Velkého kaňonu řeky Yellowstone.

Foto J. Plesník