The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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Where is Šumava National Park heading?

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Pavel Hubený, Martin Starý, Pavla Čížková

Where is Šumava National Park heading?

I believe in an authentic internationally recognized national park, but the path to it is thorny, slow and cautious… 
The hitherto maturing National Park can easily be compared to the life of a human being. Its birth was full of enthusiasm and great plans developed by fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers – and each person had a different plan. But everybody agreed that it is necessary to put the best into the child's life.

Nature Conservation 2020 25. 3. 2020 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Update of the Conception  for Unblocking the Czech River Network

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Zdeněk Vogl

Update of the Conception  for Unblocking the Czech River Network

This year, already a second update of the Conception for Unblocking the Czech River Network, an important water management planning document, will be completed. At present, the Czech Nature Conservation Agency is working on a proposal delineating watercourses which are primarily determined to be made passable for migration, at the same time respecting territorial and species protection. 
For this reason, the length of corridors will generally increase as compared to the present situation. These will be prioritised in the subsidy policy also in future. The objective of the updated version of the document is to implement measures providing free migration to fish and other water animals in an effective and systematic way, especially on watercourses of international and national importance.

Nature Conservation 2020 25. 3. 2020 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Has a feasibility study on the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal really been performed?

Nature and Landscape Management

author: Petr Havel

Has a feasibility study on the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal really been performed?

The preparation of large infrastructural works has long been criticised for  being time-demanding and ineffective. Drafts of amendments to construction law have repeatedly been submitted in order to shorten and facilitate the approval process. Recently, a proposal for its integral recodification was submitted. The actual administrative process aimed at realising a construction is however to a great extent the final stage in the preparation of a construction. Efforts for systematic changes in building permit procedures should therefore be preceded by a comprehensive analysis of shortcomings already in the stage prior to the building permit procedure. It is not an overstatement to say that the stage of project preparation and specification of the project at different levels in spatial planning documentation have much greater margins than the building permit stage.

Nature Conservation 2020 25. 3. 2020 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Will the black grouse survive in the Krkonoše Mts until 2040?

On Nature in the Czech Republic

author: Jiří Flousek

Will the black grouse survive in the Krkonoše Mts until 2040?

The Czech Republic probably does not have a more endangered species than the black grouse. The country hosts many birds which also face great problems and whose numbers are considerably lower than those of the black grouse, e.g. the little owl (Athene noctua) and the saker falcon (Falco cherrug). These have, however, a significant advantage as for survival: they manage to fly dozens or hundreds of kilometres and thus have at least a chance of finding suitable nesting grounds or new partners elsewhere, and mainly… they are within flying distance of their relatives in neighbouring countries.

Nature Conservation 2020 25. 3. 2020 On Nature in the Czech Republic Print article in pdf

Dirt roads

On Nature in the Czech Republic

author: Pavel Dedek

Dirt roads

The impact of industrialised agriculture on biodiversity and landscape ‘condition’ is presently a frequent topic of discussion with experts from various scientific fields. The media and the public are also very interested in the issue, particularly in connection with the drought and generally the ability of our landscape to retain the little moisture which our nature currently endows us with. This contribution will however not deal with rapeseed and maize fields, but with that what separates (or at least should separate) blocks of intensively farmed fields, i.e. increasingly rare dirt roads.

Nature Conservation 2020 25. 3. 2020 On Nature in the Czech Republic Print article in pdf

Albis – White River:  The Elbe as a Central European phenomenon

On Nature in the Czech Republic

author: Handrij Härtel

Albis – White River:  The Elbe as a Central European phenomenon

The Romans called the Elbe Albis, White River, apparently for its extensive light-coloured sand beaches in which the river could freely change its flow at the time. Since then, a lot of water has flowed through the Elbe river and it has significantly altered in many places. In the Central European context, however, the Elbe is still considered an exceptional river.

Nature Conservation 2020 22. 3. 2020 On Nature in the Czech Republic Print article in pdf

Vaněk S.: Altiplano in Bolivia –A Region of Hard Life

International Nature Conservation

author: Stanislav Vaněk

Vaněk S.: Altiplano in Bolivia –A Region of Hard Life

In Bolivia, both life-form and habitat diversity includes Amazonian lowlands as well as the high Andes, cloud forests (yungas) as well as the puna, a high elevation montane grassland.

Nature Conservation 3/2014 24. 8. 2014 International Nature Conservation Print article in pdf

Bartošová D. & Kutal M.: A Difficult Comeback of Grey Wolves to the Czech Republic

Focusing on the Public

authors: Dana Bartošová, Miroslav Kutal

Bartošová D. & Kutal M.: A Difficult Comeback of Grey Wolves to the Czech Republic

The Grey wolf (Canis lupus), similarly to the other Central European large carnivores (i.e., the Brown Bear Ursus arctosand the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx) had been severely persecuted in Bohemia and Moravia for centuries.

Nature Conservation 3/2014 24. 8. 2014 Focusing on the Public Print article in pdf

P. Lustyk, V. Oušková, L. Kratochvílová & K. Chobot: 2013 Report on the Conservation Status of Natur

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P. Lustyk, V. Oušková, L. Kratochvílová & K. Chobot: 2013 Report on the Conservation Status of Natur

In 2013, pursuant to Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, as amended later, commonly known as the Habitats Directive, the Czech Republic as a European Union Member State submitted an assessment report on natural habitats.

Nature Conservation 3/2014 24. 8. 2014 Research, Surveys and Data Management Print article in pdf

Pešout P., Hůlková J. & Tomášková L.: Ten Years of Payments for Compensation for Complication in Agr

Nature Conservation Legislation

authors: Jana Hůlková, Pavel Pešout, Lenka Tomášková

In 2004, an amendment to Act No. 114/1992 Gazette on Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection introduced payments for compensation for complication in agricultural, forest or fishpond management caused by nature conservation measures.

Nature Conservation 3/2014 24. 8. 2014 Nature Conservation Legislation Print article in pdf