The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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On Nature in the Czech Republic

Nature Conservation 5/2011 2. 1. 2012 On Nature in the Czech Republic Print article in pdf

Šťastný V.: Remarkable Sedmihorky Wetland

author: Vojtěch Šťastný

Šťastný V.: Remarkable Sedmihorky Wetland

The Sedmihorky wetland is located in the Libuňka Stream floodplain within the oldest part of the Český ráj/Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area. In the past, there had been attempts to ameliorate it, but they fortunately failed. Nevertheless, the area has been almost not cultivated.

The landscape harbours wet meadows with extensive reed beds and bulrush, in North America known as cattail (Typhaspp.) growths, woodlots and dispersed waterlogged willow trees. A relatively extensive part of the wetland is a marsh. The site is unique particularly due to its bird fauna: in total, 130 bird species have been found on the area of 25 hectares. A numerous White-spotted Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) population breeds there. Among specially protected species also nesting there, the Common Snipe (G. gallinago), Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra), Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) and the Savis Warbler (Locustella lusciniodes) should be mentioned. Remarkable amphibian species occurring at the site include the Common Frog (Rana temporaria), Edible Frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus), Common Spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus) and the European Tree Frog (Hyla arborea). Wild plants growing there are common species. In future, a wetland can be restored towards the state in the late 20thcentury, particularly by keeping the Libuňka Stream freely meandering and establishing a new small fishpond and pools in the northwestern part of the site which was damaged by amelioration.