The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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Nature and Landscape Management

Nature Conservation 3/2012 17. 10. 2012 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Maštera J.: Threatened Water Habitat in Commercial Forests. How to Manage Forests (not only) Amphibi

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author: Jaromír Maštera

Maštera J.: Threatened Water Habitat in Commercial Forests. How to Manage Forests (not only) Amphibi

Threats to water habitats in forests have been recently increasing, particular due to the rapid development of current technologies and measures.

Therefore, polls of water and puddles on forest roads, flooded ditches along roads, various forest pools and ponds, pools in forest quarries and sandpits, small forest water courses and various manmade reservoirs are of great importance. The article summarizes how negative affects on the above habitats and threatened wild species could be minimised. The appropriate measures are often simple and cheap.