The Journal is published by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, the Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration, the Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Administration, the Podyjí National Park Administration and the The Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. It has been published since 1946.

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The Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic as an Authorized E

Nature Conservation Legislation

autorka: Jana Hůlková

Znalecký posudek je jedním z důkazních prostředků pro účely trestního, civilního nebo správního řízení. Z důvodu, že se Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky (AOPK ČR) podílí především na zpracovávání znaleckých posudků pro účely správního řízení, je tento článek věnován právě tomuto procesu s ohlédnutím a některými postřehy, které vyplývají z patnáctiletého postavení AOPK ČR v pozici znaleckého ústavu.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 Nature Conservation Legislation Print article in pdf

The Operational Programme „Environment“ (OPE) Just in the Middle of Its Term

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Anna Limrová, Petr Kostečka, Jiří Petřivalský, Jiří Klápště, Luboš Stárka

The Operational Programme „Environment“ (OPE) Just in the Middle of Its Term

The Operational Programme “Environment” (OPE) for the period 2007–2013 is funded from the European Community’s budget and co-financed from national sources. It supports various building and non-building environmental measures. The OPE includes eight priority areas (so-called axes) aiming at individual components of the environment.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Outlines of Recommended Measures for Special Protected Areas under the Birds Directive

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Eva Knižátková, David Lacina

Outlines of Recommended Measures for Special Protected Areas under the Birds Directive

In the Czech Republic, at present there are 41 Bird Areas (pursuant to Act No. 114/1992 Gazette on the Protection of Nature and the Landscape, as amended later, the term for Special Protection Areas, SPAs under the Birds Directive), protecting 41 birds species listed in Annex I to the Birds Directive as well regularly occurring migratory species.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

Updating the Supra-regional Territorial System of Ecological Stability of the Landscape

Nature and Landscape Management

authors: Jaromír Kosejk, Václav Petříček, Jana Šmídová

In the Czech Republic, a multi-level ecological network, called the Territorial System of Ecological Stability of the Landscape, has been developing since the late 1970s and the 1980s.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 Nature and Landscape Management Print article in pdf

The Litovelské Pomoraví/Litovel Morava River Basin Protected Landscape Area

On Nature in the Czech Republic

authors: Michal Servus, Jan Vrbický, Ondřej Dočkal

The Litovelské Pomoraví/Litovel Morava River Basin Protected Landscape Area

The Litovelské Pomoraví/Litovel Morava River Basin Protected Landscape Area (PLA) situated in Central Moravia between the city of Olomouc and town of Mohelnice was declared on the territory of 96 km2on October 29, 1990.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 On Nature in the Czech Republic Print article in pdf

Pamukkale – the good end of one story?

International Nature Conservation

authors: Jan Němec, Karel Pošmourný

Pamukkale – the good end of one story?

Pamukkale, meaning „Cotton Castle“ in Turkish, is a famous natural site in the Denizli Province in south-western Turkey, being one of the most magnificent natural monument worldwide.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 International Nature Conservation Print article in pdf

Operation, Management and Protection of Show Caves in the Federal Republic of Germany

International Nature Conservation

autorka: Barbora Šimečková

Operation, Management and Protection of Show Caves in the Federal Republic of Germany

The author presents the knowledge from a study trip organized the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic to twelve show caves in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt in September 2009.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 International Nature Conservation Print article in pdf

Increase in Numbers, Habitat Selection and Feeding Ecology of Hole-nesting Avian Predators in North

Research, Surveys and Data Management

authors: Miroslav Dusík

 Increase in Numbers, Habitat Selection and Feeding Ecology of Hole-nesting Avian Predators in North

Provision of nest-boxes is a technique commonly used to increase nest-site availability and quality for secondary cavity-nesting birds, including hole-nesting raptors and owls.

Nature Conservation 5/2010 27. 10. 2010 Research, Surveys and Data Management Print article in pdf